مصادر الطاقة ودورها في التوزيع الجغرافي للمواقع الصناعية

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الشارف الشارف


Energy sources and their role in the geographical distribution of industrial sites Industry is an aspect of civilized development, from which development processes of various kinds are launched, and most researchers have agreed that it is a process by which a material is transformed from its original state to a new state or image that becomes more useful and popular with human needs and desires. Industry is a branch of economic geography, being the result of human interaction with other surface phenomena. The importance of industry is that it provides the necessities of the primary commodity and job opportunities and increases the domestic product, and that it produces final goods that help and contribute to improving the social and economic conditions of the population. The industrial location is the region or region in which the industry is located, and the selection of any industrial location is not random, but must be based on scientific studies. The geographical region must be determined, and the location of the project has been determined. Energy is the ability inherent in any substance to perform work and it is not visible, but its effects appear in the form of heat, or power, or be in the form of heat and kinetic power at the same time. Energy is of two types that are depleted and are not automatically replaced, such as oil/coal/gas, and renewable energy whose sources are renewed and not implemented, such as solar energy/wind/water/. The national economy and that the natural and human components are an auxiliary framework for the growth and development of the industry, and that the development in the use of energy sources has revolutionized the industry, and encouraged the establishment of new industrial patterns, so the selection of the industrial site must be based on scientific studies where it is not exposed to failure, as well as work on briefing Industrial sites in the green belts to preserve the environment and to ensure the use of pollution prevention methods, such as filters of dust products in cement factories to protect against the risk of pollution.


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How to Cite
الشارف ا. . (2023). مصادر الطاقة ودورها في التوزيع الجغرافي للمواقع الصناعية. Journal of Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, 7(13), 273–286. Retrieved from https://khsj.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/jhas/article/view/232