دراسة لبعض العناصر الحركية و الوظيفية للياقة البدنية لدى تلميذات الصف السادس من مرحلة التعليم الاساسي

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المهدي الذويب
ميلود النفر


School is the institution that teaches students different values and knowledge, discovering their tendencies and abilities, and physical education as it is an integrated part of the educational and sports process. Also sports play a major role in achieving the comprehensive and integrated development of the physical and motor abilities of students so that they can adapt successfully in the society in which they live. The primary stage is one of the most important stages of a student’s growth and formation because it constitutes the first basis of his physical,cognitive, psychological, and social formation, which will have a positive impact on his future life. Therefore, being physically active represents an important and essential pillar for the growth of the student, and then it must be taken care of and developed through playing and practicing various sports activities. The lesson of physical education represents a healthy climate for raising students with a multi-faceted education alongside other methodological lessons, thus completing the educational, pedagogical and psychological goals of the school.


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How to Cite
الذويب ا. ., & النفر م. . (2023). دراسة لبعض العناصر الحركية و الوظيفية للياقة البدنية لدى تلميذات الصف السادس من مرحلة التعليم الاساسي. Journal of Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, 7(13), 262–272. Retrieved from https://khsj.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/jhas/article/view/227