Financical 1963 – 1989 Conflict Azawad

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Abughnaymah Alsadiq Abuojaylah Abdullah



The annexing of Azawad region in Mali was among within the framework of punishment to the Tuareg tribes chiefs and to protect the interests of France in the region. As those chiefs, lead by Fahrun Elansari, rejected the idea of forming a state with no sovereignty in the Grand Sahara whose natural wealth is exploited by France with the support of the Malian government. Hence, the relationship between South Mali and north Mali has been characterized with tension and armed revolutions starting from 1963. The president of the government (Mr. Modibo Keita) adopted an aggressive policy against the inhabitants of Azwad which included killing, torture, exile and confiscation of properties. So, the chiefs and leaders of Azawad called for the resistance (Jihad) depending in their revolutions on guerilla warfare and attacks on government centers and seizing arms from them and asking for independence from the mother state Mali. However, Modibo Keita faced them with oppression and maltreatment and as a result the rebels (Mujahidin) escaped to Algeria and Morocco who decided to hand over the Azwad rebels who were in their land to the Malian government who through them into prison during the Keita government existence with French support because France still considers the state of Mali as one of its Onala Colonization regions in Western Africa.


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أبوغنيمة ا. (2023). Financical 1963 – 1989 Conflict Azawad. Journal of Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, 7(14), 151–162. Retrieved from