Markets in HIJAZ before Islam
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Several factors combined to help in the increase of trade and the emergence of markets ni the HIJAZ region, including the religious status that the country of HIJAZ enjoyed through the presence of the Holy House of God, and the establishment of the QURAYSH on the affairs of HAJJ, This is what earned it respect and status among the Arab tribes, as QURAYSH was keen to preserve the unity of the tribe and solve problems that arise between members of the tribe by peaceful means, and build relations based on good neighborliness and common interest with other tribes, in addition to the geographical location of the HIJAZ region, which mediates the ancient land trade route. between Yemen and the Levant( SHAME). The aforementioned factors combined and led to the flourishing of trade and the establishment of markets, whether permanent or seasonal, in the HIJAZ region. *The permanent markets are special markets for the people of the region, and no one goes to them from afar, and they are not dependent on their holding on a specific date or season, as they may be daily or weekly, such as the (AL- HAZORA) market ni Mecca and the (ZABALA) market in YATHRIB. As for seasonal markets, they are markets that held in a specific date or season. That is, it was held once a year. It is visited by people from everywhere and from different groups, including merchants, writers and poets, as it is considered a commercial, cultural, political and social meeting place, such as SOUK OKAZ.