الفن المصري القديم بين التأثير والتأثر من بداية عصر الاسرات إلى نهاية العصر الروماني

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أيمن التويب


It can be said that ancient Egyptian art is, above all, an expressive representation of people who based their lives on the principles of eternity and infinity. Consequently, all of their works, whether temples, statues, pictures, or handicrafts, are characterized by extreme harmony, to the extent that a person can recognize and identify them at first glance, and can even find in them those elements and forms that are related to their distant past, regardless of the different eras to which they belong. This is because they remarkably correspond to the region's landscape, clearly indicating its unity and continuity. It is worth noting that the geographical location of the region and the policies followed by the pharaohs made the ancient Egyptian people, up to the time of their invasions in the modern state era, live in what resembles a closed vessel sheltered from any external influence.


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How to Cite
التويب أ. (2023). الفن المصري القديم بين التأثير والتأثر من بداية عصر الاسرات إلى نهاية العصر الروماني. Journal of Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, 8(16), 559–566. Retrieved from https://khsj.elmergib.edu.ly/index.php/jhas/article/view/474